
With subzero temperatures, and several elderly people in our congregation, we were surprised when cars started drawing up this morning. We have one or two younger people from the Yarmouth direction, and two had picked up one of our more senior members on the way. In fact, there were more people than last week! But it was cold, and so we lit the fire and threw some logs on.

We praised our God, who is so good to us. And then testimony started to flow. Ann has some movement problems since her stroke, and could not turn off the bath tap this morning. It was about to overflow. “Help, Lord”, she cried – and the tap turned off immediately. Craig, who has not yet come to faith, needed accommodation, as he has to leave his caravan for February. No-one wanted him, as he is inseparable from his cat. So he tried praying! The next day, a previous landlord phoned him and offered him and his cat a room for February. Wow! And there were other testimonies.

Barry H spoke from Jude 1 – we are called, sanctified and preserved. Part of the call is for a particular reason of service – what has the Lord called you to?

Last week, I asked folk to pray about the fact that people from further afield are coming to us now. Should we divide into 2 or 3 meetings? Several folk have been praying, and are encouraged. One brother, John A, had a vision of a magnolia tree in bud. Spring is round the corner for us.

We are reaching out to another 3 house churches in the county, and are up for reaching out to more. Never a denomination, or hierarchical structure as some, but autonomous churches in a network of friendship and mutual support.

Shirlene led us in breaking bread.

Next week we meet at Frettenham. Our prayer meeting would look like moving around in the coming weeks, to include Caister and Aylsham. This week – Catfield.

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