
‘Every meeting different’, we say! Phone calls and messages first thing in the morning from those unable to come, but on Saturday there were messages and phone calls from others who had not been for months. So good to see people back again, and everybody always welcome. 

Every meeting different? Well, if you have an auto-immune condition, you avoid enclosed spaces with other people, and so sitting in the garden and leaning through an open window is quite acceptable. We are flexible, and will always try and accommodate.

Thank you to those who were giving testimony almost before the meeting started. Always welcome. Thank you to Wendy L for leading communion, and to Barry H for an interesting and inspired account of the Lords planning and directing in the lives of Joseph and Moses.

We milled around on the patio and in the house over tea, coffee, cookies…

Our prayer meeting is 2pm on Thursday at Catfield.

The meeting next Sunday, 16th is at Frettenham.

The meeting Sunday 23rd is at Catfield.

The meeting Sunday 30th is at Frettenham, Marcus speaking, and Liberty Lunch.

The prayer meeting Thursday 20th will be at John Alam’s home in Aylsham.

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