Tuesday , 17 September 2024


Briefly – because we are about to leave for a few days recuperation from birthday celebrations and lots of other ‘arranging’ –

What a joy to meet Sunday by Sunday, and this week was no different. Praise, worship, prayer, breaking bread, and in everything, sensing the presence of the Lord among us.

Thank you to Bob for leading praise and worship with a smile, despite having lost his loving Connie just 2 weeks ago. We later had some ministry on 2 Corinthians 3, where we read that we are ‘epistles’. Bob is a great epistle in the way he is handling his loss, sharing scriptures that have blessed him, and sharing concerns.

Thank you to Barry H for speaking from 1 and 2 Corinthians. Well, parts of those letters – indeed, parts of 1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Corinthians 3 – where we read of an open door, of opposition, of body ministry, and the fact that we are ourselves a message to the world.

Next Sunday. 10.30am in Frettenham, Jonathan will be visiting and speaking, to be followed by a LIBERTY LUNCH. Not been for a while? Then do come along and join us, in the meeting and around the table.

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